
Individual Sessions


Space and Grace® Reconnection

Awakening a new feeling of life and a heightened sense of well-being

Space and Grace® Reconnection is a series of individual sessions on consecutive days. Here the strong healing energy of the Reikimaster meets the precision of the metaphysical surgeon. I will adjust the amount of this individual session series to your needs.

This series is a unique gift to youself and can deeply transform your life, opening up to new possibilities and a new appreciation for life. It can also offer support during emotional or challenging times, times of transition, burn out, as a preparation for exams or can simply be used to charge up your batteries.

These sessions you can easily receive as long distant treatments comfortably in your own home. I recommend a session per week or every two weeks afterwards.


Space and Grace® for kids - relieve, release, support

Kids often bring a lot of luggage to this life or/and have a hard time to adjust to any kind rules. Their energy system is mostly still very available for healing, shifting and letting go.. Remote sessions work best for kids..


Psychic Project Coaching - winning deal for everybody

Perfect for situations where the communication has become difficult, such as in any kind of negotiation, separation, any unclear or painful relating situation. I tune into the people and receive the energy pattern between them. I let clearing and healing energy flow into this situation and may give you a coaching/ suggestion how to deal with this situation.  


Feng Shui Tarot Reading - outer support for inner processes

You choose 2 different carot from my self created tarot deck, - one card will show you your next step, which quaity you are inviting in your life,- the 2nd card will give aou a hint what o do in your outer enviroment to support this to happen.

The reading will be given mostla online / zoom.


Feedback from Adima, Western Australia, Dec 21

"A clear mirror of the momentary situation, The lucky effect in daily life set within the hour and is continuing still after some time. A real shift."






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Space and Grace© - Energy, Coaching, Consulting


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